Studi Komparasi Performa Motor Bakar 4 Tak Karburator dan Motor Bakar 6 Tak Mub-2 Karburator Berbahan Bakar Pertamax
Stroke, Combustible Species, Performance, Combustion, Fuel Consumption RateAbstract
This paper describes the comparison of the performance of a 4 stroke carburetor motorbike with the MUB-2 six-stroke engine with additional combustion duration and two working strokes. The increase in combustion duration aims to re-burn combustible species that have not been completely burned in the first combustion. This study used a 4 stroke motor with a capacity of 125 cc and then modified it into a 6 stroke motorbike with twice the duration of combustion. The observed local atmospheric conditions at a relative humidity of about 76% RH, and the ambient temperature and pressure were around 24 ° C and 101.32kPa, respectively. Implementation of data retrieval with crankshaft rotation at 600 rpm intervals from 2400 rpm to 7200 rpm, with a braking load of 5 - 10 kg. The 6 stroke MUB-2 motor shows 8% effective power, 7.8% torque, 1.4% combustion efficiency, 4,3% duty cycle, 2% thermal efficiency and 7% greater fuel efficiency than conventional 4 stroke engines . The fuel consumption rate of the MUB-2 6-stroke engine is 43.5% lower than that of the conventional 4-stroke engine. This means that the performance on the 6 stroke MUB-2 motorbike is higher than the conventional 4 stroke motorbike.
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