Morphology and Microstructure Properties of Nanozeolite Coating on Iron Foam With Variation of Calcination Temperature and Chitosan


  • Vinda Puspasari Indonesian Institute of Sciences
  • Permana Andi Paristiawan Indonesian Institute of Sciences
  • Satrio Herbirowo Indonesian Institute of Sciences
  • Bintang Adjiantoro Indonesian Institute of Sciences



Nanozeolite, Iron Foam, Chitosan, Morphology, Microstructure Properties, SEM-EDS, XRD Characterization


Porous materials are widely used in various applications such as ion exchange, separation, drug delivery sensor and water filter application. However porous iron is susceptible to corrosion, therefore coating with corrosion resistant materials is requirede.g. with nanozeolite material. For the application as filter, nanozeolite improves the activities characteristic of iron foam surface since it can act as the agent of ion exchangers and absorb heavy metal ions in water. In the present study, porous metal was coated with nanozeolite by sol-gel coating method. Chitosan concentrations and calcination temperatures are the variable parameter to be optimized in the present research. The mass change of the sample decreases as the chitosan addition increases. The mass change also decreases as the calcination temperature increases. The highest mass change occurs for sample 1 at 14.63%. The morphology of nanozeolite layer showed that the addition of chitosan can decrease the agglomeration of nanozeolite coating. The higher of calcination temperature can homogenize the nanozeolite layer. The particle form of nanozeolite through SEM revealed needle-like, rod and spherical shape. The addition of chitosan can decrease the cluster of nanozeolite particle and the higher of calcination temperature make them more uniform after calcination process. The XRD characterization of sample 5 showed that the nanozeolite particle in this sample was amorphous.

Author Biographies

Vinda Puspasari, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Research Center for Metallurgy and Materials-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Permana Andi Paristiawan, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Research Center for Metallurgy and Materials-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Satrio Herbirowo, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Research Center for Metallurgy and Materials-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Bintang Adjiantoro, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Research Center for Metallurgy and Materials-Indonesian Institute of Sciences


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How to Cite

Puspasari, V., Paristiawan, P. A., Herbirowo, S., & Adjiantoro, B. (2022). Morphology and Microstructure Properties of Nanozeolite Coating on Iron Foam With Variation of Calcination Temperature and Chitosan. Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin, 12(3), pp. 561–571.


