Pengaruh Jenis dan Ukuran Biomassa terhadap Proses Gasifikasi Menggunakan Downdraft Gasifier


  • Faishal Mufid Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Samsudin Anis Universitas Negeri Semarang



Sengon Wood, Mahogany Wood, Biomass Size, Gasification, Downdraft Gasifier


Biomass is alternative energy. This research was conducted to determine the effect of biomass type and size on the gasification process using a downdraft gasifier. Sengon and mahogany woods were used as the feedstock. The study began by conducting a proximate test of biomass feedstock to find out its properties. Than the gasification process was studied by using two sizes of biomass i.e. wood chips and blocks. Each experiment was carried out for 90 minutes and 10 kg of biomass. The air was supplied at 3 m/s. The results showed that the type and size of biomass affected the gasification temperatures, flame characteristics, and residues. Sengon wood chips provided the highest gasification temperature of 1239°C in the oxidation zone with a flame duration of 77 minutes and residue of 9.1 wt.%. For mahogany wood chips in the sequence were 1220°C, 68 minutes and 16.25 wt.%. Meanwhile for wood chips mixture of sengon and mahogany gave the flame duration of 55 minutes and residue of 15.65 wt.%. Overall, it can be concluded that under the investigated condition, a sengon wood chip was found to be the most suitable biomass for the downdraft gasifier used in this work.


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