Desain Manufaktur Bracket Aluminium


  • Rudianto Raharjo Universitas Brawijaya
  • Teguh Dwi Widodo Universitas Brawijaya
  • Redi Bintarto Universitas Brawijaya



Surface Roughness, Cutting Speed, Feed Rate, Depth of Cut


Machining is one of the processes in a manufacturing of a product. Manufacturing design is needed for improving the quality of a product. The desired manufacturing process is the achievement of a product with a smooth level of roughness and a short time. Bracket is one component of a series of machines. Work on bracket using CNC milling and Turning machine. The material used is aluminum alloy 6063. The main variables in this machining process are the speed of feeding, cutting speed and feeding motion. The results achieved in the machining process of this bracket are for the roughness on the surface of the N5 with Ra (ideal) = 0.4 μm of Ra (actual) = 0.410 μm. As for the roughness of N6 with Ra (ideal) = 0,8 μm obtained result Ra (actual) = 0,832 μm and 0,625 μm. Total machining time for one workpiece are 1 hour 57 minutes 25 seconds.


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How to Cite

Raharjo, R., Widodo, T. D., & Bintarto, R. (2018). Desain Manufaktur Bracket Aluminium. Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin, 9(2), pp. 119–125.


