Studi Kinerja Solar Water Heater Dengan Aliran Zig-zag Beralur Balok


  • M. Rizki Ikhsan Universitas Brawijaya Malang
  • Sudjito Soeparman Universitas Brawijaya
  • Mega Nur Sasongko Universitas Brawijaya



Solar Radiation, Double Plate Solar Water Heater, Zig-Zag Flow, Turbulence Enhancer, Heat Transfer, Useful Energy, Loss of Energy, Efficiency


Solar energy can be used for water heating by using solar water heater application. Therefore, its still needs some modification due to its low efficiency. This modification can be done by replacing the conventional plate of solar collectors into a double plate with a zig-zag pattern. The results shown that along with the decreasing of water flow rates could significantly increase the useful energy (Qu). Initial temperature of water inlet could affect the generated maximum temperature. The highest mean efficiencies of double plate solar water heater with a zig-zag grooved beams pattern of 49.11% was gained in the flow rate of 700 mL / min.

Author Biography

M. Rizki Ikhsan, Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Mahasiswa Teknik Mesin UB


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