Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Serat Kayu Gelam (Melaleuce Leucandendra) terhadap Kekuatan Tarik dan Impak Komposit Bermatrik Polyester


  • Saifullah Arief
  • Pratikto Pratikto Brawijaya University
  • Yudy Surya Irawan Brawijaya University



Gelam Bark Fiber, Polyester Composite, Alkalization Treatment


The purpose of this research is to find the effect of volume fraction variation of “gelam†bark fiber on tensile and impact strength of polyester composite. The filler material was the “gelam†bark fiber with volume variation ratio of 10%, 30 %, 50 % and 70 %. Alkalization of the “gelam†bark fiber used 5% of NaOH and 2 hours of soaking time. Mechanical testing was carried out by tensile and impact testing. The matrix for bonding the “gelam†bark fiber was polyester resin type 157 BTQN and 1% concentration of MEKPO catalyst. The mechanical properties are obtained from tensile and impact testing: The results of tensile testing; slowed the highest tensile strength of compositre with 70% of ‘gelam bark fiber was 15.623 MPa. The results of impact testing: obtained the highest impact strength in composete with 70 % percentage of ‘gelam’ bark fiber is
24.772 J.


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Melaleuca Leucadendra htt:// diakses tanggal 31 May 2011





