
  • Mahros Darsin Department of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Jember
  • Firman Ema Ismono Universitas Jember
  • Mochamad Asrofi Universitas Jember
  • Yuni Hermawan Universitas Jember
  • Intan Hardiatama Universitas Jember




3D Printing, PLA-Titanium Filament, Bending Test


Manufacturing technology has experienced significant progress with various innovations, including 3D printing. In this study, an innovation was made using a filament made of PLA 60% and titanium 40%. Bending tests are carried out to determine the combination of 3D printing parameters that can produce the most optimal bending strength. This study uses the Taguchi method orthogonal matrix L4(23). The data is processed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The parameters that produce optimal bending strength values are a nozzle temperature of 230 ⁰C, a print speed of 20 mm/s, and a layer height of 0.3 mm, with the highest bending strength value of 7.13 MPa and the lowest of 2.16 MPa. The factors that contributed significantly to the bending strength results were nozzle temperature of 52.84 %, print speed of 15.91 %, and layer height of 1.80 %.

Author Biographies

Mahros Darsin, Department of Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Jember

Associate Professor in Mechnical Engineering, Universitas Jember

Firman Ema Ismono, Universitas Jember

Alumni PS S1 Teknik Mesin, Universitas Jember

Mochamad Asrofi, Universitas Jember

Dosen Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Jember

Yuni Hermawan , Universitas Jember

Dosen Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Jember

Intan Hardiatama , Universitas Jember

Dosen Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Jember


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How to Cite

Darsin, M., Ismono, F. E., Asrofi, M., Hermawan , Y., & Hardiatama , I. (2024). KUAT BENDING, FRAKTOGRAFI, DAN STRUKTUR MIKRO HASIL 3D PRINTING BERBAHAN PLA (POLYLACTIC ACID) - TITANIUM. Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin, 15(3), 1375–1385. https://doi.org/10.21776/jrm.v15i3.1631


