
  • Dony Hidayat Al-Janan Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Maulana Iwan Saputra Universitas Negeri Semarang




Wind Turbine, Blade Design, Torque, Power


In this study, the effectiveness of the combination of the Savonius and Darrieus wind turbines was investigated, which is a vertical axis wind turbine. The aim is to determine the optimal blade design and analysis of the combined blade design compared to the stand-alone design. The method used is CFD simulation to find the torque value used for power calculation. From all simulations, the highest torque and power occurred at a wind speed of 5.58 m/s. The simulation shows the Savonius, Darrieus, and Savonius-Darrieus combination turbine variations, - so then as result from the Savonius-Darrieus combination obtained the best results, namely the torque of 82.59 Nm and the power of 2194.41 W. In conclusion, the turbine model with a combined blade design produces better torque and power compared to stand-alone turbine models.


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How to Cite

Al-Janan, D. H., & Saputra, M. I. (2023). OPTIMASI DESAIN SUDU TURBIN DENGAN PADUAN SAVONIUS DAN DARRIEUS UNTUK MENINGKATKAN DAYA . Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin, 14(2), 677–687. https://doi.org/10.21776/jrm.v14i2.1430


