Pengaruh Temperatur Pelat Landasan Selama Proses Friction Stir Welding Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Sambungan Las Lembaran HDPE
The purpose of this study was to determine the weld ability of HDPE sheets (High Density Polyethylene) through the method of welding FSW (Friction Stir Welding). FSW is a new welding process, where joined of the material occurs in the solid state. Samples were welded with vertical milling CNC machines, while the type of connection is a butt joint. This study used three process parameters, two parameters are combined and one parameter value is constant, the parameters combined are temperature backing plate (30; 70; 110 and 150 oC) and the welding tool rotation speed (2200; 2300 and 2400 rpm), while the parameters with constant value is the welding speed (30 mm / min). In this research experiment conducted observations and analysis of surface textures welded joints, weld surface temperature during the process in front of and behind the welding tools, macro-structure of the welded joints, the maximum tensile strength and fracture tensile test results. From the results of this study was obtained that temperature backing plate during FSW process affects the maximum tensile strength and homogeneity of HDPE sheets welded joints. The maximum tensile strength of welded joints higher is 28.52 MPa or 95.07% of the maximum tensile strength of HDPE material, the maximum ultimate tensile strength values were obtained on the condition temperature backing plate t = 150 oC and the welding tool rotation speed n = 2300 rpm. Heating the material HDPEby backing plate during FSW process insulator properties of the material that is an obstacle inthe process of forming a perfect weld can be resolved.
Keyword: temperatur backing plate, friction stir welding, the tensile strength of welded joints,HDPE sheets.
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